Just forked over more than $1,200 to our government. Am I pissed? Fuck yeah I am. I don't make nearly enough to owe that much to anyone or anything. You best believe if I owed that much to a person, I would have gotten something in return for it. The goverment? Nope. Nothing. As a person of moderate intelligence, I understand the need for taxes for certain things such as police, firefighters, etc. My problem with the system is the lack of control citizens have in paying money to entities that we may or may not support. I'd be a much happier camper if I knew where my money was going. Give me the option of donating my taxes to causes I feel are worthy and I might not be so goddamn upset. Three hundred to firefighters? Sure, I can do that. Another three hundred to the cops? Uh, I guess I can do that too. Problem is, if we could choose where our cash went, there'd be a shitton of unemployed government officials because there is not one American citizen who would voluntarily hand over money to a system that repeatedly fucks its constituents. I DON'T HAVE FUCKING HEALTH CARE. Why don't we try fixing that before spending another billion dollars on a bullshit war? And what about gas prices? Does anyone who supposedly represents me in Washington want to stand up to these money-hungry pricks and do something for people like me? No, they don't because if they did, they'd be out of a job. You think your vote counts? You're a fucking fool. My vote doesn't count. Neither does yours. If it did, we'd all vote against taxes. No taxation without representaion sounds great, but the national government is a vicious cycle. The only goal is to maintain itself, not to get anything done. My best guess is this money goes into the already deep pockets of D.C. fatcats and bullshit causes created by dickhead lobbyists. My money, my hard-earned motherfucking money, is being put into a system that requires saps like me to work hard for a living and give all the benefits away so the bureacracy can continue to accomplish nothing. The American public is bitterly divided regarding a myriad of issues. I'd like to think anger about paying taxes is one we can all agree on. I'm so fucking pissed I could punch my hand through a wall, perhaps a goverment wall. I could put a massive hole in it and watch the days flip by on the calendar as no one would ever come by to fix it. These D.C. motherfuckers are stealing our money. OUR GODDAMN MONEY! Not theirs. OURS! I sit behind this desk every day trying not only to make a living, but doing something creative with my life. I don't write because I think I'm going to get rich (I'd be the biggest moron alive if I thought writing was a ticket to wealth)-- I do it because I have to. This is my calling or whatever pretentious word you want to use. Before getting my taxes back, I thought I was doing well. I'm not eating at fancy restaurants or staying in five star hotels, but somehow I'm getting by. Not anymore. Not only does the goverment want me to pay what comes out to be more or less my life savings, but they've suggested I also include a $300 check to pay my 2008 taxes quarterly. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Someone please tell me where I can live in a shack in the middle of Colorado and I'm there. I hate government inefficiency. I want out of the whole process. Please, leave me alone. I will gladly pay zero tax dollars and never ask for goverment assistance. Trust me, it wouldn't be difficult to get by without a federal government. I've gone 28 years and they still haven't done anything for me. What's another 28? George Harrison, wherever you are today, I'm missing you. Let's all put on Revolver and crank Taxman for George.
There's got to be a way around this. There's just got to be...
How to Plan Your Finances for the Next 10 Years
3 months ago
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