In theory, having the President of the United States throwing the first pitch at opening day is a good thing. An even better theory is having that president throw out the first pitch in Washington, D.C. But that belief doesn't account for our current head numbskull George W. Bush.
Check out this youtube video of W. getting serenaded by a bunch of boobirds. There's no way anyone in attendance could have known Bush would have been there. The Secret Security wouldn't let that info get out beforehand. But that's too bad because imagine all the clever signs people could have held up if they knew he was making an appearance. Shit, I'd pay money to go to a baseball game just to boo our president if I knew he was going to be there. And I don't even like baseball (but that's another topic for another day).
There's plenty of negative things to say about Bush, but I'll give him this: He's got a decent arm for an old man.
PS Click this link soon because Major League Baseball has already taken a few off of Youtube for copyright issues.
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